Guidelines for authors


”Odonatrix” is a scientific journal solely dedicated to dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata). It publishes original articles, short notes and compilations presenting new data on distribution, ecology, biology, morphology, physiology and conservation of dragonflies in Poland. We also accept reviews, announcements of odonatological events and methodological papers.

We accept contributions written in Polish (with an abstract in English), in English (with a Polish abstract) or in German (with abstracts in both English and Polish). Wherever necessary, the Editorial Board will see to the translation of the abstract into Polish.

Original articles are peer-reviewed by two reviewers experienced in the relevant field of study. The review process is single-blind. The list of reviewers is published once a year on the journal's website. The conditions of acceptance are: ′spell checked′ and ′grammar checked′ body of the manuscript, technical and scientific merit, obtaining two positive reviews, taking possible comments made by the editor and/or reviewers into account and submission of a declaration confirming the work′s originality with an indication of each author′s contribution to the paper. Manuscripts receiving negative reviews will be rejected.

Other contributions are not peer-reviewed, but they may be modified in agreement with the author(s) before final publication, should they require scientific, technical, linguistic or grammatical correction.

In the manuscript the generic and species name must be used at least once in its full form with the author citation, i.e. Calopteryx Leach, 1815, Calopteryx splendens (Harris, 1782).

Contributions should be sent by e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief ( The text should be prepared as an editable file in MS Word, with tables in MS Word or MS Excel, photographs in *JPG format (without compression) and figures in *tif, *gif* or *JPG format with at least 300 dpi (colour or greyscale halftones) or 1000 dpi (bitmapped line drawings). We also accept Corel Draw and Corel Photo-Paint files.

Table headings (Tab.1 — Table 1), as well as captions to figures (Ryc.1 — Fig.1) and photographs (Fot.1 — Photo 1), should be in both Polish and English. All labelling in the figures and tables should also be in both Polish and English. All tables, photographs and figures should be referred to in the manuscript.

Original articles should be constructed in the following order:

Polish title: Ważki (Odonata) starorzeczy Warty

English title: Dragonflies (Odonata) of oxbow lakes of the Warta river

First name and surname of the author(s): Jan Kowalski/Jan Kowalski, Adam Kowalski

Address(es) of the author(s) (full name of the institution or private address): Katedra Zoologii Bezkręgowców               i Hydrobiologii,Uniwersytet Łódzki, ul. Banacha 12/16, 90-237 Łódź

e-mail address:

Abstract in English — max. 300 words, summarizing the content of the article in a consistent way

Keywords in English e.g. Odonata, faunistic, oxbow lakes, Warta River, Poland

Introduction: full description of the state of knowledge background to the subject, including references to the most recent

Research area: a short physiographic description of the study area, illustrated with a map showing its location in Poland
              and a description of the sampling sites. The names of the localities should be given with precise geographical coordinates
              and UTM square codes

Materials and methods: a detailed and sufficient description of the materials and methods used in the research, the dates
              should be given in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY, e.g. 10.04.2016

Results: a full description of the results obtained

Discussion: a comparative discussion of the results and their significance in the light of the literature, which should
              be chosen carefully and appropriately; a combined Results and Discussion section is accepted

References: the list of references should include only the articles that are cited in the manuscript. The list should be
              in alphabetical and chronological order. The citations should provide the following information:

books: author′s(s′) name(s) and initials, year of publication, full title, abbreviated name of publisher and place
                      of publication e.g.:
                      BERNARD R., BUCZYŃSKI P., TOŃCZYK G., WENDZONKA J. 2009. Atlas rozmieszczenia ważek (Odonata) w Polsce. Bogucki Wydawnictwo
                             Naukowe, Poznań.

book chapters: author′s(s′) name(s) and initials, year of publication, full title, the number of pages and full
                       information on the book e.g.:
                      STERNBERG K., RADEMACHER M. 1999. Sympecma fusca (Vander Linden, 1820). Gemeine Winterlibelle. [w:] K. STERNBERG,
                             R. BUCHWALD (red.). Die Libellen Baden-Württembergs. Band 1. Ulmer. Stuttgart: 429-440.

periodicals and journals: author′s(s′) name(s) and initials, year of publication, full title, full name of the journal,
                       number of volume and issue, pagination and DOI number (if available), e.g.:
                      MISZTA A., CUBER P. 2009. Nowe stanowiska ważek (Odonata) zagrożonych w Polsce stwierdzone w latach 2006-2008 w województwie
                             śląskim poza obszarami chronionymi. Odonatrix, 5(2): 48-54.
                           DE JONG Y. 2014. Fauna Europaea — All Europaean Animals species on the Web. Biodiversity Data Journal 2: e4034.
                             doi: 10.3897/BDJ.2.e4034.

studies published on the Internet: author′s(s′) name(s) and initials, year of publication, full title, website address
                       and the date of the most recent access, e.g.:
                      TOL VAN J. 2013. Odonata, Dragonflies. Fauna Europaea version 2.6, http:/ (10.09.2016).

unpublished data: author′s(s′) name(s) and initials, year, full title, type of contribution (e.g. master’s thesis, PhD thesis,
                       ecological expertise), name of the hosting institution, the name of the town, city etc. of the hosting institution
                       and information on the technique of preparation, e.g. ms. — manuscript

in case of several contributions from the same author(s) published in the same year it should be indicated by lower
                       case letters after the year, e.g. (KOWALSKI 2000a, 2000b)

non-Latin alphabets should be transliterated according to the Polish Norms (in the case of Cyrillic according
                       to BGN/PCGN) and the guidelines of the Commission on Standardization of Geographical Names Outside the Republic
                       of Poland (KSNG)

Acknowledgements: authors may add acknowledgements to persons who contributed to the paper in any way

Compilations of records from a single locality or a single region can be published. The relevant data should contain:
    — the scientific name(s) of the species
    — the number of individuals, including stage and sex in the case of adults
    — the behavioural details of the records, i.e. pairs in copula, tandems, oviposition
    — the date(s) of the sighting(s)
    — geographical coordinates of the locality or region
    — the UTM square code(s)
    — the name of the nearest town or village
    — the type of habitat (e.g. river, pond, forest)
    — name and surname of the observer and optional data on the habitat.

The credibility of the information is founded on the observer′s experience and/or his/her providing photographic evidence and/or voucher specimens enabling the correct identification of the species. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject doubtful data. Collected and verified material will be published once or twice a year in a list produced by the Editorial Board. The contributors will be regarded as co-authors of this type of contribution.